Saturday, March 10, 2007

Meeting at TaiPo, Chia Yi

Vincent and I took high speed railway train from Taipei to TaiPo, only 93 minutes. You could fall asleep easily on the train because it runs as smooth as silk. Though the seat space is smaller(we took economic seats), the entire setting is new and neat. We did not have time to see the 2007 Taiwan Lantern Festival, but I took a picture of the festival from the train station.


Anonymous said...

Did you notice that on the bullet train, the orange ticket that you purchased and maybe kept as a souvenir keepsake collector's item, did you notice that nowhere on the ticket does it state that the ticket was issued by the Taiwan High Speed Rail, not in Chinese or English, not even one mention of the word TAIWAN or even ROC. The ticket is useless as a collector's item or souvenir if it is not branded with the logo or the name at least of the issuer. Did you notice that?

Allen Lai said...

yes, i noticed that after your reminder; it seemed even worse than the taiwan railway ticket...